MisterPlexi Alerts
White PEZ Rails for Holding PEZ Dispensers Upright For DisplayWhite PEZ Rails for Holding PEZ Dispensers Upright For Display
12" PEZRAILS Shown

White PEZ Rails

Model: PezRail48-W

Exterior Size: 47 3/4"L x 1 1/4"D

White Semi-Flexible Styrene with 2-sided tape on bottom

Simply Place PEZ Dispenser in Sideways, Twist and it Locks in Place!

Holds up to 32 PEZ and Much Easier to Manage Than Individual Feet Sold By Other Companies
proudly made in america
Quantity Price Each

The PezRail48-W is a White Plastic Rail or Channel to Hold up to 32 PEZ Dispensers for Display. Our PEZ Rails are Slightly Flexible and Can Be Cut With Scissors For a More Precise Fit. Keep Your Prized PEZ Upright Where They Belong with MisterPlexi's PEZ Rails!

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